
来源 :中国药学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanxiaoin2
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在中药材市场上长时期存在着的一个问题就是中药名称的互不统一,同物而异名或同名而异物的固然比比皆是,而以假充真的现象亦是屡见不鲜。中药市场因缺乏统一的规格标准,不但影响市场的正常交易,同时由于真伪不辨,也严重影响中药的使用效果和它的研究工作。因此,研究中药的原植物种类乃成为当前中医药科学研究事业中的一个不可缺少的环节。笔者在过上数年中,曾经常为上海有关单位鉴定中药材标本,但由于这些标本大都是片断的中药村,而且有不少仅仅是根和茎,很少全草,因此鉴定时比较棘手。1956年秋季,上海市中药商业同业公会曾乘采办药材之便,在浙江、安徽、广西和止海近郊采 One problem that has existed for a long period of time in the Chinese herbal medicine market is the inconsistency of the names of Chinese medicines. The fact that there are different names or names but foreign bodies is common, and the phenomenon of false filling is also common. Due to the lack of a unified specification standard, the Chinese medicine market not only affects the normal trading in the market, but also affects the use effect of Chinese medicine and its research work due to the fact that it is not identified. Therefore, the study of the original plant species of traditional Chinese medicine has become an indispensable link in the current scientific research of traditional Chinese medicine. In the past several years, the author often used traditional Chinese medicine units to identify specimens of Chinese herbal medicines. However, because these specimens are mostly fragmented Chinese medicine villages, and many of them are only roots and stems, and rarely are whole plants, they are more difficult to identify. . In the autumn of 1956, the Shanghai Association of Chinese Medicine and Commerce had used it to purchase medicinal herbs and collected them in the nearby suburbs of Zhejiang, Anhui, Guangxi, and Zhihai.
乌梅是蔷薇科植物梅(Prunus mume)经加工后的果实,植物为落叶小乔木,干高丈余。叶卵圆形,头尖锐,有锯齿。二月开白色或红色花,五瓣,香味甚浓。花后结果即青梅,初呈青色,入夏
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