诱人的食物 动人的声音 专访《舌尖上的新年》声音总监凌青

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“鲢鱼冻在米饭上化掉”“热腾腾的腊肉被切成薄片”“烧鹅在吊炉烤制中肉质紧缩”“从沸腾的锅中捞出面条”“……”在年前上映的《舌尖上的新年》大电影里,除了那些贯穿南北让人垂涎欲滴的美食,给观众留下深刻印象的就是那些伴随食物烹饪过程而来的拟音。由于高速拍摄无法收音等因素,拟音工作成为了本片工作的一大重点兼亮点。在短短的一个月内,拟音团队用各种方式创造出无数“好声音”。接下来,就让我们走进本片拟音团队,了解那些蕴藏在画面背后的声音故事。 “Silver carp frozen in the rice on the ” “hot bacon is sliced ​​” “roast goose roast in the oven meat tenderness ” “remove the noodles from the boiling pot In the ”New Year’s Eve“ movie released a year ago, in addition to those mouth-watering cuisines that run north and south, those who impressed the audience were those who accompanied the food-cooking process. Due to the high-speed shooting and other factors can not be closed, the sound of the work has become a major focus of the film and highlights. In just a short time, the fake team created countless ”good voices" in a variety of ways. Next, let us walk into the film’s fake sound team, to understand those hidden in the picture behind the sound of the story.
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