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  Which picture indicates the way you sleep? Choose one.

  1. With arms and legs spread out:
  What a liberty-loving soul!Well, this posture reveals your true identity. Comfort-lover and beauty-worshipper, you are also a real spendthrift (but luckily you earn just as much). Your other undesirable trait is that you are a bit nosy and seem to enjoy gossiping. Well, who did you mention in your tales lately?
  2. With legs crossed:
  Anyone who sleeps cross-legged is said to be self-obsessed and finds difficulty in accepting changes. Solitude is your priority. Yet your redeeming quality is your threshold for tolerance!
  3. With arms crossed to support the head:
  You are highly intelligent and enthusiastic to learn. Yet sometimes you are filled with cranky ideas which people find hard to follow. You take good care of your family. But the problem is you hardly love anybody. A little bit choosy, huh?
  4. Sleeping on the stomach:
  If you sleep facedown all night, you likely to be narrow-minded. You are probably self-centered and always force people to comply with your own needs. You are also likely to be reckless and desultory. Time to change your sleeping posture?
  5. Lying on one side:
  This posture indicates that you are a confident person you will see success in whatever you undertake, owing to you relentless endeavor. People who sleep on their right side with their right arm stretching over their head are said to be blessed with power and fortune.
  6.Curling up:
  Selfish, jealous and vindictive are words that describe you. People around you ought to be careful not to step on your toes as you are easily irritated!
  7.Lying on one arm:
  Contrary to the previous one (curling up), you are gentle, polite, sincere and loving. Well, nothing is perfect. Build up your self-confidence and learn to accept mistakes or imperfection. Happiness will then come your way!
  8.With one knee bended:
  You are inclined to be fussy, always whining and complaining. Nervousness is probably your second name. You tense up easily and get overly excited over small matter. Life isn’t such a big deal. Learn to relax.
  9. Unknown cuddled up:
  You feel lonely and depressed because you are obsessed with your past failures and setbacks. You are hesitant and indecisive, giving others an impression that love has been missing in your life.
  10. Covering from head to toe:
  You may appear a real macho in public, but deep down inside you are shy and weak. You tend to keep loads of secrets. If you encounter any problem, you will rather keep it to yourself and agonize over it than ask for help. No wonder you grimace in your sleep.
  1. 仰卧时胳膊和腿伸展开:
  2. 仰卧时双腿交叉:
  3. 仰卧时双臂枕在头下:
  你非常聪明而且乐于学习,然而有时你有些任性的想法,使别人难以接受。你很照顾你的家人。 但问题是你几乎不爱什么人。有些太挑剔了,是不是?
  4. 俯卧式:
  5. 侧卧式:
  6. 侧卧时身体蜷缩:
  7. 侧卧时压着胳膊:
  8. 侧卧时单腿弯曲:
  9. 随意蜷缩式:
  10. 用被子盖住全身:
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