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社会主义市场经济的确立,对于占世界人口1/4的中国,对于世界经济与社会的发展,都具有历史性意义。确立市场经济体制,在中国是一个几经曲折而最终突破传统理论束缚达到新境界的过程。随着这个突破,越来越多的人在反思,为什么过去人们总是束缚于封闭式的国有产权、直接的计划经济和不通过市场的按劳分配,并以为这就是社会主义?为什么后来人们从经验中认识到计划经济的不成功而立志改革之后,仍企图在原有的计划经济框架的基础上去引进市场,并且极力去寻求计划经济与市场经济相结合的形式或途径,以为这种“结合”就是社会主义?为什么直到改革进行了许多年之后,人们还没有弄清什么是社会主义却又在进行着何者姓“社”何者姓“资”的争论?……越来越多的人意识到:对社会主义的认识,在深层次、基础性问题上,存在着认识误区。不少深层的理论问题有待重新揭示、严密论证,有待更多的人真正弄清弄 The establishment of a socialist market economy has historical significance for the development of the world economy and society for a quarter of the world's population. Establishing a market economic system is a process in China that has come to a new level after many twists and turns and eventually breaking through the traditional theory. With this breakthrough, more and more people are reflecting on why people in the past were always tied to closed state-owned property rights, direct planned economy and distribution according to work without going through the market. They thought that this was socialism and why later people After realizing from the experience that the planned economy was unsuccessful and determined to reform, it still attempted to introduce the market on the basis of the original planned economic framework and tried its best to seek the form or route combining the planned economy and the market economy. “Is it socialism? Why is it that it is not until after the reform has been carried out for many years that people have not yet been able to find out what is socialism but are debating the issue of” family " To: On the understanding of socialism, there are misunderstandings on the deep-seated and fundamental issues. Many deep theoretical issues to be re-revealed, rigorous demonstration, to be more people really make clear
在企业的经营活动中,每一个管理者都可以说是企业的支柱。作为一名现代企业的管理人员,不能把自己的水平和能力仅仅定位在满足于一般的宏观性企业经营管理上,精细管理愈 In
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