大力修建高速公路 促进我省经济发展——我省高速公路建设的回顾与展望

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经济要发展,交通必先行。为了适应国民经济和社会发展的需要,多年来,四川公路有了明显改善,整体服务水平有了很大的提高。1990年,我省已有公路近10万公里,占当时全国公路总里程100万公里的1/10,但属于“量前质后”型。为了进一步解决公路状况不适应经济快速发展需要的问题,省委、省政府决定从1990年正式动工修建成渝高速公路,1995年竣工通车。一、成渝高速公路竣工通车后的效应成渝高速公路竣工通车后,立即显示出高速公路“快捷、方便、舒适、安全”的特点,很快体现出修建高速公路的意义。其直接效果是:第一,缩短了成渝两地间行车时间。由过去12个多小时缩短为4小时。第二,促进了成渝高速公路沿线城乡经济快速发展。以成渝线上的内江市为例,该市在成渝高速公路通车前,每年GTP 增长率都低于全省平均水平;而成渝高速公路通车后,该市每年经济发展速度都高于全省平均水平。第三,促进了各级领导和广大群众思想观念的转变。主 Economic development, traffic must go first. In order to meet the needs of the national economy and social development, the highway in Sichuan has been significantly improved over the years, and the overall service level has been greatly improved. In 1990, there were nearly 100,000 kilometers of roads in our province, accounting for 1/10 of the total mileage of 1 million kilometers of roads in the country at that time, but belonging to the category of “quantity of precursors”. In order to further solve the problem of the highway being unable to meet the needs of rapid economic development, the provincial party committee and government decided to formally set up the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway in 1990 and opened to traffic in 1995. First, the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway opened to traffic after the completion of the effect of Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway opened to traffic, immediately showed the expressway “fast, convenient, comfortable, safe ” features, quickly embodies the meaning of the construction of the expressway. The direct effect is: First, shorten the travel time between Chengdu and Chongqing. From the past 12 hours to 4 hours. Second, promoting the rapid economic development in urban and rural areas along the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway. Take Neijiang City on the Chengdu-Chongqing Line as an example. Before the opening of the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway to the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway, the annual GTP growth rate is below the provincial average. After the opening of the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway to the city, the annual economic growth rate of the city is higher than The province’s average. Third, it has promoted the transformation of the thinking of leaders at all levels and the broad masses of the people. the Lord
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