Implementation of Network Intrusion Detection System Based on Density-based Outliers Mining

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The paper puts forward a new method of density-based anomaly data mining, the method is used to design the engine of network intrusion detection system (NIDS), thus a new NIDS is constructed based on the engine. The NIDS can find new unknown intrusion behaviors, which are used to updated the intrusion rule-base, based on which intrusion detections can be carried out online by the BM pattern match algorithm. Finally all modules of the NIDS are described by formalized language. The paper puts forward a new method of density-based anomaly data mining, the method is used to design the engine of network intrusion detection system (NIDS), thus a new NIDS is constructed based on the engine. The NIDS can find new unknown intrusion behaviors, which are used to update the intrusion rule-base, based on which intrusion detections can be carried online by the BM pattern match algorithm. Finally all modules of the NIDS are described by formalized language.
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