
来源 :中国民族 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weedppp
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2011年9月,我在成都见到了年过古稀的彝族老翻译家谢友仁先生。我们在百花园乡村酒店空阔的茶亭里聊起他的翻译生涯。在他慢慢的叙述中,我仿佛回到了久远的从前:大凉山的改革、人民大会堂里传出彝语同传,毛主席、朱德总司令接见民族翻译、大小凉山翻天覆地的变化……那是一幅幅珍贵的画面。想象中,这些画面也许都是黑白的,但是时代进步的景象却迸发着五彩的光芒。倾听的过程中,我想到了“在场”这个词。谢老以一个彝族翻译家的身份,在场见证了大凉山一段伟大的历史变革,也见证了共和国彝语文翻译事业的历史进程。缘于这次关于翻译的谈话更多涉及历史,我以口述问答的形式,将谢老的翻译经历记录下来,再现给读者。 In September 2011, I met Mr. Xie Youren, an old translator of Yi in Chengdu. We talked about his career as a translator in the empty tea kiosk at Baoyuan Country Hotel. In his slow narration, I seem to have returned to the ancient past: the reform of Daliangshan, the simultaneous interpretation of Yi in the Great Hall of the People, Chairman Mao and Commander Chu Teh met the national interpreter, and the size of Liangshan changed greatly. It is a precious picture. Imagine, these pictures may be black and white, but the scene of the progress of time but burst out of the colorful light. In the process of listening, I thought of the word “presence”. As an Yi translator, Xie attended the scene and witnessed a great historical change in Daliangshan. She also witnessed the historical process of Yi language translation in the Republic. Due to the fact that the conversation on translation is more about history, I recorded the translation experience of Xie Xie in the form of oral quizzes and reproduced it to the readers.
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