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油田产能建设项目档案是油田的主体档案,是产生数量最多、对生产建设、经营管理最有利用价值的档案,是油田的核心信息资源和资产,对油田的历史、现实、发展起着至关重要的作用。而参与油气田建设的大量市场化施工队伍所产生的竣工档案,质量参差不齐,存在很多问题,直接影响油气田勘探开发工作的顺利进行。本文从一个项目档案管理者的角度,谈谈如何做好油田产能建设项目档案管理工作,以期进一步提高油田产能建设项目档案管理水平。一、油田产能建设项目档案管理存在的问题1.管理责任落实不到位。在油田产能建设项目 The archives of the oilfield capacity building project are the main archives of the oilfield and are the archives that produce the most quantities, which are most useful for production, construction and management. They are the core information resources and assets of the oilfield. They are crucial to the history, reality and development of the oilfield Important role. As a result, a large number of marketed construction teams involved in the construction of oil and gas fields are producing uneven quality records with many problems that directly affect the smooth progress of oil and gas exploration and development. This article from a project file manager point of view, how to do a good job of oil field construction project file management, with a view to further improve the capacity of oilfield construction project file management level. First, oilfield production capacity management project file management problems 1. Management responsibility is not in place. Capacity building projects in the oil field
近年来 ,随着全自动血液分析仪的广泛使用 ,已经能对平均血小板体积 (MPV)、血小板比积 (PCT)、血小板分布宽度(PDW )进行测定 ,为了解分析糖尿病患者血液中这些指标的变化 ,
目的 对糖尿病所致脂肪肝及非糖尿病所致脂肪肝与其临床生化作对比分析。方法 检查对象为糖尿病合并脂肪肝患者20例,非糖尿病脂肪肝患者15例,根据其生化检查结果与其声像图
(马勇 ,等 .中国行为医学科学 ,2 0 0 4 ,13(2 ) :2 0 4~ 2 0 5 )  高原低氧、低气压等综合因素导致移居者机体各项生理功能降低 ,海拔越高 ,缺氧程度就越重 ,低氧暴露时间
Insulinlisproisaninsulinanaloguethathastheadvantagesofbeingfast acting ,convenient,andlesslikelytoleadtohypoglycaemicepisodes Previousstudieshaveprovenitsvaluei
1 临床资料患者 ,女 ,19岁。自服鲁米那 180片 2小时 ,经当地洗胃、补液后转入本院。查体 :T3 7 1℃ ,P12 0次 /分 ,R8次 /分 ,BP11 98/ 7 98kPa。深昏迷 ,呼吸表浅 ,瞳孔 0
Tin oxide(SnO_2) nanoparticles were cost-effectively synthesized using nontoxic chemicals and green tea(Camellia sinensis) extract via a green synthesis method.