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作为随身听的鼻祖,SOnY在耳塞方面的造诣虽然是登峰造极。并曾经是消费者心中绝对的no.1!但在过去的十年,日系耳塞在欧美系产品(特别是森海)的打击下,长期处于低迷的状态。不仅高端市场完全被美国品牌的动铁产品垄断,而且在大众市场上,霸主的地位也被迫拱手相让。然而随着数码随身听、音乐手机的兴起,耳塞市场极大的膨胀决定了日系品牌绝不甘心就此退出。所以近年来,日系耳塞新品辈出,再度崛起。其中尤以SOnY最为突出,这次SOnY最新的旗舰EX1000是否能改变高端耳塞的市场格局呢? As the originator of Walkman, SOnY in earplugs in attainments although peaked. And was once absolutely no.1 in the minds of consumers! But in the past ten years, Japanese earplugs have been in a downturn for a long time under the attack of the European and American products (especially Senhai). Not only is the high-end market completely monopolized by the U.S. brand’s moving iron products, but also the dominant position in the mass market has been forced to hand over. However, with the digital Walkman, the rise of music phones, the great expansion of the earbud market determines the Japanese brand will not be willing to quit on this. So in recent years, Japanese earplugs new generation, once again rise. Among them, the most prominent SOnY, the latest SOnY flagship EX1000 whether to change the pattern of high-end earbuds it?
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同事小雪最近在网上买了一个耳机,据她自己说价格实惠,音质不错,特意拿到我这里来显摆一下。我晃眼一看,是舒尔E2C。一问价格才240元,草草试听了一下也没多想。遂,第二天将自己的原装舒尔E2C拿来与之对比。哎,真假立判…小雪那个哭啊:已经付款了…   我们网购所图就是便宜快捷,但有些不法商贩利用人们的侥幸心理出售一些所谓散装货实为假货谋取暴利。如果我们因为这一小撮无良商人而放弃网购无异于因噎废食。那