Taste masking of ofloxacin and formation of interpenetrating polymer network beads for sustained rel

来源 :Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cccqyu
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The objective of this study was to carry out taste masking of ofloxacin(Ofl) by ion exchange resins(IERs)followed by sustained release of Ofl by forming interpenetrating polymer network(IPN) beads. Drug-resin complexes(DRCs) with three different ratios of Ofl to IERs(1:1, 1:2, 1:4) were prepared by batch method and investigated for in vivo and in vitro taste masking. DRC of methacrylic acid-divinyl benzene(MD) resin and Ofl prepared at a ratio of 1:4 was used to form IPN beads. IPN beads of MD 1:4 were prepared by following the ionic cross-linking method using sodium carboxymethyl xanthan gum(SCMXG) and SCMXG-sodium carboxymethyl cellulose(SCMXG-SCMC). IPN beads were characterized with FT-IR and further studied on sustained release of Ofl at different pH. In vivo taste masking carried out by human volunteers showed that MD 1:4 significantly reduced the bitterness of Ofl. Characterization studies such as FT-IR, DSC, P-XRD and taste masking showed that complex formation took place between drug and resin. In vitro study at gastric pH showed complete release of drug from MD 1:4 within 30 min whereas IPN beads took 5 h at gastric pH and 10 h at salivary pH for the complete release of drug. As the crosslinking increased the release kinetics changed into non-Fickian diffusion to zero-order release mechanism. MD 1:4 showed better performance for the taste masking of Ofl and IPNs beads prepared from it were found useful for the sustained release of Ofl at both the pH, indicating a versatile drug delivery system. The objective of this study was to carry out taste masking of ofloxacin (Ofl) by ion exchange resins (IERs) followed by sustained release of Ofl by forming interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) beads. Drug-resin complexes (DRCs) with three different ratios of Ofl to IERs (1: 1, 1: 2, 1: 4) were prepared by batch method and investigated for in vivo and in vitro taste masking. DRC of methacrylic acid-divinyl benzene (MD) resin and Ofl prepared at a ratio IPN beads of MD 1: 4 were prepared by following the ionic cross-linking method using sodium carboxymethyl xanthan gum (SCMXG) and SCMXG-sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (SCMXG-SCMC) were characterized with FT-IR and further studied on sustained release of Ofl at different pH. In vivo taste masking carried out by human volunteers showed that MD 1: 4 significantly reduced the bitterness of Ofl. Characterization studies such as FT-IR, DSC, P-XRD and taste masking showed that complex formation took place betwee n drug and resin. In vitro study at gastric pH showed complete release of drug from MD 1: 4 within 30 min of IPN beads took 5 h at gastric pH and 10 h at salivary pH for the complete release of drug. MD 1: 4 showed better performance for the taste masking of Ofl and IPNs beads prepared from it were found useful for the sustained release of Ofl at both the pH, indicating that the release kinetics changed into non-Fickian diffusion to zero-order release mechanism. a versatile drug delivery system.
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