鼓励出口 重在引导——对浦东新区144户产品出口型外商投资企业的调查

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浦东新区开发开放以来,由于战略地位重要、市场广大以及政策运用得当,外资大量涌入,外向型经济在新区国民经济中比重越来越大,在上海市对外经济贸易格局中,地位日愈提高。新区外贸出口已由1980年占全市比重的不足5%,发展到1997年的28%,占全市1/4强。对上海建设“一个龙头,三个中心”起到了很大推动作用。然而,1997年发生的东南亚金融波动,不仅对东南亚各国经济带来大冲击,也使发展成长中的浦东新区对外经济贸易受到很大影响,其中,浦东新区三资企业中有近70%来自东亚各国和地区的投资,他们的产品出口市场很大程度上也依赖东亚各国和地区,不可避免地受到了当地经济衰退、市场萎缩带来的损失。因此,具体分析浦东新区三资企业1998年出口状况,找出问题,帮助新区三资企业及时调整出口战略,是我们义不容辞的责任。为此,我们对浦东新区出口占销售总额50%以上的144家三资企业作了调查,并对获得的数据作了初步分析,提出进一步加强对新区三资企业出口管理的若干意见。 Since the development and opening up of Pudong New Area, as a result of strategic importance, extensive market, proper policy application and the influx of foreign capital, the export-oriented economy has become more and more important in the national economy of the New Area. As a result, the status of Shanghai’s foreign economy and trade has been increasingly enhanced . The new zone’s exports have grown from less than 5% of the city’s total weight in 1980 to 28% in 1997, accounting for one quarter of the city’s total exports. It has played a very big role in promoting Shanghai’s construction of “one leader and three centers.” However, the financial fluctuations in Southeast Asia that occurred in 1997 not only brought a great impact on the economies of Southeast Asian countries, but also greatly affected the foreign trade and economic cooperation in the Pudong New Area, in which nearly 70% of Pudong-funded foreign-funded enterprises came from East Asia In various countries and regions, their export markets rely heavily on the countries and regions in East Asia and are inevitably affected by the economic downturn and the shrinking market. Therefore, it is our unshirkable responsibility to analyze the export situation of foreign-funded enterprises in Pudong New Area in 1998, find out the problems, and help the foreign-funded enterprises of the New Area timely adjust their export strategies. To this end, we surveyed 144 foreign-funded enterprises that accounted for over 50% of the total sales volume in Pudong New Area and made preliminary analysis on the data obtained and put forward some suggestions on further strengthening the export management of the three-capital enterprises in the new area.
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