
来源 :语文教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:easychart
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无论城市还是农村中学,都有一定数量的语文差生.“差生”的成因是十分复杂的,有其自身的,也有家庭、社会、学校等的诸多因素.由于不同地区普教水准不一,各类学校办学条件悬殊,以及教师本身的思想、修养、道德、性格差异,学识深浅,眼力高下,对差生的衡量标准也是大相径庭的.它带有很大的主观性、片面性和不公平性.在许多被定为“差生”的学生中,有些是被错划,被冤枉的.尽管如此,但就某时某地某人而言,在语文学习某方面的暂时差距却是客观存在的.基于学习态度、习惯、情趣、知识经验、思维、文字水平等的不同,差生和优生所储存于脑海中的知识与能力结构也是完全不同的.据心理学者调查材料表明:低水平的原始结构、模糊结构,经验结构,差生占58%,优生为零;高水平的情景结构、分类结构,优生为23%,差生为零;中等水平的对偶结构,差生占32%,优生为27%;较高水平的对偶、情景、分类的综合结构,优生占50%,差生为10%.因此,对“差生”急、喊、卡、压,甚至骂、打,都 Both urban and rural secondary schools have a certain number of poor students in their language. “The causes of poor students are very complex and have their own factors as well as family, social, school, etc. Due to the different levels of general education in different regions , The disparity of school conditions in all kinds of schools, as well as the teachers' own thinking, self-cultivation, morality, differences in personality, depth of knowledge, high eyesight, and the measurement of poor students are also very different from the subjective, unilateral and unfair ones However, in many students who are labeled as ”poor students“, some of them are misplaced and wronged. However, in the case of someone at a certain place, the temporary gap in some aspects of language learning is Objective existence.According to learning attitude, habits, taste, knowledge and experience, thinking, writing levels, etc., poor students and eugenics stored in the mind of the knowledge and ability structure is completely different.According to psychologists survey material shows that: low-level Of the original structure, fuzzy structure, empirical structure, accounting for 58% of poor students, eugenics is zero; high level of scene structure, classification structure, eugenics was 23%, poor student is zero; moderate level of duality, poor students accounted for 32% 27%; higher levels of dual integrated structure scenarios, classification, eugenics accounted for 50% of poor students is 10% Therefore, the ”poor students " urgent, call, card, press, and even curse, fight, all.
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