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在公路科技创新高层论坛上,第一次见到周世忠副厅长时,他正要去江苏的展台,江苏交通厅的展位设在展厅一入口最抢眼的位置,当然,江苏交通的技术成就也十分耀眼。周世忠副厅长在会上介绍了江苏省自二十世纪九十年代以来,在长江上已建、未建和将建的桥梁,展望未来,周世忠副厅长也指出了一些必须关注的技术问题。周副厅长介绍说:江苏省地处经济发达的长江三角洲,同时也在沿海与长江交汇的丁字路口,由于长江的阻隔使江苏分割为南北两部分。二十世纪八十年代以来,相继建成的上海南浦,杨浦大跨斜拉桥、汕头海湾和虎门的大跨悬索桥,为我国建设特大跨径桥梁积累了经验。而最大跨径的悬索桥——江阴长江大桥和最大跨径的斜拉桥——南京长江二桥更是汲取了国外的先进经验。 At the highway science and technology innovation forum, when he first met Zhou Shizhong, deputy director, he was about to go to the booth in Jiangsu. The booth of Jiangsu Communications Department was located in the most eye-catching position of the exhibition hall. Of course, the technical achievements of Jiangsu Transportation Very dazzling. At the meeting, Deputy Director Zhou Shizhong introduced the bridges in Jiangsu Province that have been built, built and will be built on the Yangtze River since the 1990s and looked to the future. Deputy Director Zhou Shizhong also pointed out some technical issues that must be paid attention to . Zhou, deputy director introduced: Jiangsu Province is located in the economically developed Yangtze River Delta, but also in the coastal intersection with the Yangtze River T-junction, due to the blocking of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu divided into two parts north and south. Since the 1980s, Shanghai Nanpu, Yangpu Long-span Cable-stayed Bridges, Long-span Suspension Bridges in Shantou Bay and Humen have accumulated experience for building super-long span bridges in China. The largest span of the suspension bridge - Jiangyin Yangtze River Bridge and the largest span of cable-stayed bridge - Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is more learned from advanced foreign experience.
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