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现有货车运行故障动态图像检测系统(TFDS)存在的阳光干扰这一技术难题的系统解决原理和构成,以及现场试验分析。该系统首先采用LED频闪光源及精确控制技术增加补偿光源瞬时亮度,其次通过偏振滤光技术削弱阳光直射对相机拍摄的影响,同时通过精确控制策略消除对光干扰,然后采用CMOS Linlog技术提高图像的对比度,最后采用图像恢复技术对图像进行处理。现场试验结果表明,该系统能够很好的解决TFDS阳光干扰问题以及设备侧架的光源对射干扰,拍摄出来的图像清晰、有效。 The principle and composition of the system solution to the technical problem of sunlight interference existing in the dynamic image detection system (TFDS) of the existing truck running fault and field test and analysis are provided. The system first uses LED strobe light source and precise control technology to increase the instantaneous brightness of the light source, and secondly, the effect of direct sunlight on the camera shooting is weakened by the polarization filter technology. At the same time, the light interference is eliminated through the precise control strategy, and then the image is improved by CMOS Linlog technology Contrast, the last image recovery technology to deal with the image. The field test results show that the system can solve the problem of sunlight interference of TFDS and interfere with the light source of the side frame of the equipment, and the pictures taken are clear and effective.
f~(-1)[g(x)]是f[g(x)]的反函数吗?黄国权(江苏省昆山市职业二中215300)江行平(江苏省昆山市工业职中215300)在高中代数教材里,函数y=f(X)的反函数记为y=f-1(x).由于在中学阶段复合函数和反函数的知识学生学的少,因?.. Is f~(1)[g
记忆能力是智力结构的“存储器”。人们为了在这个仓库中储存更多的知识,研究创造了各种增强记忆力的方法,歌诀记忆就是其中的一种。 Memory ability is the “memory” of
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