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前段时间,国内会计行业由于纵横国际因与原聘会计师事务所未能就年报审计报告达成谅解,采取了挨聘会计师事务所的极端做法,新接手的会计师事务所能否保持公正再次成为引人注目的焦点。为此,江苏省注册会计师协会就纵横国际年报审计致函天华大彭会计师事务所,要求其充分征询各方意见,谨慎执业。 Some time ago, the domestic accounting industry as a result of the vertical and horizontal international accounting firm with the original failed to report on the audit report reached an understanding, the employment of accounting firms to take the extreme approach to the newly taken accounting firm can maintain the fair once again become attractive The focus of attention. Therefore, Jiangsu Institute of Certified Public Accountants sent an audit to Tianhua Da Pont Certified Public Accountants on the audit of Zongheng International Annual Report, asking them to fully consult the opinions of all parties and practice with caution.
盆栽铁树的养护,虽属老生常谈。但笔者发现一些单位或家庭的铁树,由于抽叶前后管理不当,光照不足,使 Potted tree conservation, although it is commonplace. However, I
China’s Gaosheng crude oil is characterized as being high in nickel and low in vana-dium.Nickel porphyrins were extracted with dimetrylformamide,concentrated
The title compound chlorpropham (CAS number: 101-21-3, C10H12ClNO2, Mr = 213.66) was prepared by the addition reaction of 3-chlorophenyl isocyanate with isopro
提及荒漠化,人们的脑海中就会立即浮现出一片片荒凉贫瘠的土地以及飞沙走石、狂风大作的恐怖景象,但对于诸如土地荒漠化的概念、成因和防治措施等问题却可能知之甚少。 1984