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随着茶文化的发展,茶具在不同时代有着不同的演变。不同时代的饮茶方式和特点都是以人为中心,顺应时代的发展而变化的。过去的茶具大部分都是圆圆的,比较古朴美,但是在现在这样一个经济繁荣的信息化时代,人们越来越追求更加有特点的茶具,来表达属于他们自己的个性。造型、材料或是器形上的创新都能给人带来新的视觉感受,打破人们对茶具原有设计的认识,来表达属于自己的个人风格,。此次研究从以人为本的角度出发,分析了现代茶具设计的现状并阐述了一些个性化设计的方法,总结出个性化设计将是未来茶具设计的重要发展趋势。 With the development of tea culture, tea sets have different evolutions in different times. Tea drinking styles and characteristics of different ages are people-centered and adapt to the development of the times. Most of the tea sets in the past were round and quaint, but in today’s economically prosperous information age, people are increasingly pursuing more distinctive tea sets to express their own personalities. Modeling, material or shape innovation can give people a new visual experience, breaking the people’s understanding of the original design of tea sets to express their own personal style. Based on the people-oriented point of view, this study analyzes the status quo of modern tea set design and elaborates some methods of personalized design. It concludes that personalized design will be an important trend of tea set design in the future.
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