全国森林防火工作紧急电视电话会议对森林防火工作进行再动员再部署 采取坚决措施打赢春防攻坚战

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4月20日,国家森林防火指挥部召开全国森林防火工作紧急电视电话会议,国家森林防火指挥部总指挥、国家林业局局长贾治邦在会上强调,各地各部门要认真吸取近期几起森林火灾的教训,进一步提高对做好森林防火工作极端重要性的认识,牢固树立大局意识和责任意识,坚决克服麻痹思想和侥幸心理,从维护社会稳定、确保生态安全的高度,把森林防火工作抓实、抓细、抓出成效。 On April 20, the National Forest Fire Prevention Command held an emergency video and teleconference for the national forest fire prevention work. Jia Zhibang, director of the State Forest Fire Prevention Command and Director of the State Forestry Administration, stressed at the meeting that all localities and departments should earnestly draw lessons from recent forest fires Lessons learned and further raise awareness of the vital importance of forest fire prevention so as to firmly establish the overall situation awareness and sense of responsibility and resolutely overcome the concept of paralysis and chances from the perspective of safeguarding social stability and ensuring ecological security, Grasp the fine, grasp the effect.
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