Analysis of Evolution Features of Villages into Small Towns under the Influence of Tourism:A Case St

来源 :Journal of Landscape Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenwoyu
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Influence of tourism on society,economy and culture of traditional villages is shown gradually by physical form,promoting the evolution of villages into small towns. Based on the perspective of morphology,the changing features of physical and social spatial form of three typical regions(Xizhou Village and its surrounding areas,Zhoucheng Village and its surrounding areas,and Renliyi Village) in Xizhou Town of Dali City during 1985-2010 were analyzed; the roles of tourism during the evolution process of villages into small towns were discussed; the evolution features of villages into small towns were summarized. It is concluded that tourism and economy related to tourism have played important roles in the enhancement of cohesion degree of an aggregation nucleus and have promoted the evolution process of vilages into small towns. Influence of tourism on society, economy and culture of traditional villages is shown gradually by physical form, promoting the evolution of villages into small towns. Based on the perspective of morphology, the changing features of physical and social spatial form of three typical regions (Xizhou Village and its surrounding areas, Zhoucheng Village and its surrounding areas, and Renliyi Village) in Xizhou Town of Dali City during 1985-2010 were analyzed; the roles of tourism during the evolution process of villages into small towns were discussed; the evolution features of villages into small towns were summarized. It is that that tourism and economy related to tourism have played important roles in the enhancement of cohesion degree of an aggregation nucleus and have promoted the evolution process of vilages into small towns.
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This article uses energy method and principle of superposition, deduces formula for calculating deflection of variant cross-sections at spindle end and torsiona
本研究在实验室和生产条件下,试验了钡变质Al-Si合金的工艺.得出了在金 属型铸造和壁厚模数为7.5毫米条件下,钡是一种长效变质剂,其变质能力接近锶和 钠。钡以Al-Si-Ba合金加入,来源丰富,成本低廉。