Influences of Technical Innovation Mode on Innovation Strategy of Energy Enterprises

来源 :Frontiers of Engineering Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z1055622913
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Technical innovation is the core for enterprise competence and sustaining. Technical innovation strategy is the policy which the enterprise carries out for technology innovation in a long term. The paper took the practice of the technology innovation strategy in Petro China Changqing Oilfield Company as a case study, and illustrated the significance, function and features of the self-developed technology innovation, cooperation development technology innovation and introduction-innovation based on the strategy structure of the energy enterprises. The suggestions for technology innovation strategy structure for large energy enterprise were proposed in the paper. Technical innovation strategy the the enterprise for sustaining and sustaining. Technical innovation strategy is the policy which the enterprise carries out for technology innovation in a long term. The paper took the practice of the technology innovation strategy in Petro China Changqing Oilfield Company as a case study , and illustrated the significance, function and features of the self-developed technology innovation, cooperation development technology innovation and introduction-innovation based on the strategy structure of the energy enterprises. The suggestions for technology innovation strategy structure for large energy enterprise were proposed in the the paper.
一、书画家群体与笺扇庄  清末民初是个风云际会的时代,也是艺术大师不断涌现的年代,而上海却是这年代里社会的一个缩影。上海书画艺术品市场始发于清咸丰年间。清末文人袁翔甫在《望江南》云:“申江好,古玩尽搜探。商鼎周彝酬万镒,唐碑宋帖重千镰,真伪几曾谙。”充分反映了其时上海艺术市场的风貌。  自开埠以后,上海已是继扬州之后的一个重要艺术中心。清人张鸣珂《寒松阁谈艺琐录》中记载:“自海禁一开,贸易之盛,无
搭积木,孩提时代都玩过的平常游戏。它能提高儿童手眼的协调性,增强手的抓握能力,掌握保持物体平衡的技巧,并可以促进他们想象力的发挥。  大自然也是位“搭积木”的高手,它在自然界中搭出许多佳景奇境,看了让人咋舌,称奇称怪。比如,中国黄山上的“飞来石”,这块高12米,重达600多吨的巨石,斜立在山上,不摇不动,稳定牢固,根部和山峰截然分离,好似从天外飞来,搭在那里。没有人知道它是怎么上去的,真是大自然的
9月22日。浙江省台州市人才交流中心和路桥区人才交流中心共同举办的首届塑料产业和相关行业人才交 September 22. Zhejiang Taizhou Talent Exchange Center and Luqiao T