Phase and Microstructure Selection During Directional Solidification of Peritectic Alloy Under Conve

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jia1987_LOVE
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A phase and microstructure selection map used for peritectic alloy directionally solidified under convection condition was presented,which is based on the nucleation,constitutional undercooling criterion(NCU criterion),and the highest interface temperature criterion.This selection map shows the relationships between the phase/microstructure,the G/V ratio(G is the temperature gradient,V is the growth velocity),and the alloy composition under different convection intensities and nucleation undercoolings.Comparing with the results from directional solidification experiments of Sn–Cd peritectic alloys,this selection map was generally in agreement with the experimental results. A phase and microstructure selection map used for peritectic alloy directionally solid under under convection condition was presented, which is based on the nucleation, constitutional undercooling criterion (NCU criterion), and the highest interface temperature criterion. This selection map shows the relationships between the phase / microstructure, the G / V ratio (G is the temperature gradient, V is the growth velocity), and the alloy composition under different convection intensities and nucleation undercoolings. Comparing with the results from directional solidification experiments of Sn-Cd peritectic alloys, this selection map was generally in agreement with the experimental results.
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