Heterologous expression in transgenic mosquitoes

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bright_123456789
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Arthropod-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue virus afflict billions of people worldwide imposing major economic and social burdens.Control of such pathogens is mainly performed by vector management and treatment of affected individuals with drugs.The failure of these conventional approaches due to emergence of insecticide-resistant insects and drug-resistant parasites demonstrate the need of novel and efficacious control strategies to combat these diseases.Genetic modification(GM) of mosquito vectors to impair their ability to be infected and transmit pathogens has emerged as a new strategy to reduce transmission of many vector-borne diseases and deliver public health gains.Several advances in developing transgenic mosquitoes unable to transmit pathogens have gained support,some of them attempt to manipulate the naturally occurring endogenous refractory mechanisms,while others initiate the identification of an exogenous foreign gene which disrupt the pathogen development in insect vectors. Heterologous expression of transgenes under a native or heterologous promoter is important for the screening and effecting of the transgenic mosquitoes.The effect of the transgene on mosquito fitness is a crucial parameter influencing the success of this transgenic approach.This review examines these two aspects and describes the basic research work that has been accomplished towards understanding the complex relation between the parasite and its vector and focuses on recent advances and perspectives towards construction of transgenic mosquitoes refractory to vector-borne disease transmission. Arthropod-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue virus afflict billions of people worldwide imposing major economic and social burdens. Control of such pathogens is mainly performed by vector management and treatment of affected individuals with drugs. The failure of these conventional approaches due to emergence of insecticide-resistant insects and drug-resistant parasites demonstrate the need of novel and efficacious control strategies to combat these diseases. Genetic Modification (GM) of mosquito vectors to impair their ability to be infected and transmit pathogens have as as new strategies to reduce transmission of many vector-borne diseases and deliver public health gains.Several advances in developing transgenic mosquitoes unable to transmit pathogens have gained support, some of them attempt to manipulate the natural occurring endogenous refractory mechanisms, while others the identification of an exogenous foreign gene which disrupt the pathogen development in inse ct vectors. Heterologous expression of transgenes under a native or heterologous promoter is important for the screening and effecting of the transgenic mosquitoes. the effect of the transgene on mosquito fitness is a crucial parameter influencing the success of this transgenic approach. this review examines these two aspects and describes the basic research work that has been cleapt to understanding the complex relation between the parasite and its vector and focuses on recent advances and perspectives towards construction of transgenic mosquitoes refractory to vector-borne disease transmission.
尼曼—匹克氏病(Niemann—Pick)是常染色体隐性遗传的类脂质代谢障碍性疾病,临床上较为少见。兹将我院儿科所见的一家2例报告如下。 Niemann-Pick disease is an autosomal
书的封面上写着:陈慧琳、梁咏琪、张智霖、钟镇涛鼎力推荐,这些人,都是查小欣的挚友。   陈慧琳们刚出道的时候她们就已经认识了,在香港娱乐圈摸爬滚打这么多年,几乎所有的香港明星都接受过她的专访,最著名的,就是作为狄波拉好友,查小欣是第一个曝光谢霆锋与张柏芝婚姻出现裂痕的人。   结果,她在内地出的第一本书,却是一本亲子书。这些年来,名人亲子书在市场上大行其道,小S的《怀孕日记》大卖10万册,龙应