Model and Method of Debris Flow Risk Zoning Based on Momentum Analysis

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yucol
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A model of debris flow risk zoning is carried out with momentum analysis of debris flow. This model zones the debris flow inundation fan with density and velocity calculated by numerical simulation. The risk classification standard is determined according to the ultimate bearing capacities of different structures under impacting. And the ultimate bearing capacities are tested by impact failure experiment of destruction. Two structures typical in Chinese mountain towns, reinforced concrete frame construction and brickwork with concrete, are chosen in the experiment. The model makes debris flow risk zoning quantitative and the results comparable widely. The results differ much from that of other methods especially in the identification of medium and low risk zones. A model of debris flow risk zoning is carried out with momentum analysis of debris flows. This model zones the debris flow inundation fan with density and velocity calculated by numerical simulation. The risk classification standard is determined according to the ultimate bearing capacities of different structures under impacting. And the ultimate bearing cases are tested by impact failure experiment of destruction. Two models typical in Chinese mountain towns, reinforced concrete frame construction and brickwork with concrete, are chosen in the experiment. The model makes debris flow risk zoning quantitative and the results The differences differ from from of of other methods especially in the identification of medium and low risk zones.
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