
来源 :成人教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nicolewyy
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考核成绩是教学的重要环节,常采用百分制、十分制和五分制等记分方法,即定分制记分法。本文介绍的记分方法与定分制记分法有所不同,分数是变化的,故称之为变分制记分法。一、变分制记分法变分制记分法,是相对定分制记分法而言。在成绩考核中,是以考生获得采分点的个数累计的方法记分,是从相对记分到绝对记分的记分方法。它的换算公式是:p=n/N×d_。p表示考生在某次测验的实际得分,N表示本次测验的 Assessment results are an important part of teaching, often using the percentage system, ten system and five-point scoring method, that is, points scoring system. The scoring method introduced in this article is different from the scoring system. The scoring method is different, so it is called variational scoring system. First, the variability scoring system Variation scoring system, is relative to the scoring system in terms of points. In the performance appraisal, the method is based on the number of points obtained by the candidate to accumulate points, which is a scoring method from the relative score to the absolute score. Its conversion formula is: p = n / N × d_. p said candidates in a test the actual score, N that this test
随着教学改革的不断推进,单一的教材已经不能满足学生们的求知欲,也很难促进学生知识的进步,为了更好地培养社会需要的人才,小学语文教师们凭借多年的教学经验,揣摩教学方案并将教学方法与时代接轨,将小学语文课堂与信息技术结合在一起。  一、将信息技术融入教学  现在我们的生活和学习已经离不开信息。在教学中,将信息技术与教学相结合,是最主要的教学模式。在教学过程中加入了信息技术,不但可以提高学生们的学习兴趣
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