
来源 :装备制造 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:njbbbb
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中国装备制造业经过连续多年的高速发展,总量和规模已经位居世界前列。随着经济全球化和信息化广泛深入到行业中,装备制造业在其体系、结构、生产运作模式、企业形态等方面都发生了深刻的变化。由于产品的生产逐渐采用大批量定制方式,产品的利润空间越来越受到挤压,而服务的增值在制造过程中所占的比重却越来越大,形成制造与服务相融合的新的产业形态——服务型制造。服务型制造向客户提供的不仅仅是产品,还包括依托产品的服务或整体解决方案,也包括围绕产品生产的各类服务。这类服务活动总称为现代制造服务业。中国著名经济学家吴敬琏用台商施振荣提出的“微笑曲线”来着重阐述制造业服务化的概念。20世纪80年代末,新台币放开后,我国台湾地区的加工制造业碰到了危机,时任宏碁电脑董事长的施振荣提出了制造业产业链要向前后两端延 After many years of rapid development in China’s equipment manufacturing industry, the total volume and scale of the equipment manufacturing industry in the world have been among the highest in the world. With the economic globalization and informatization extensively penetrating into the industry, the equipment manufacturing industry has undergone profound changes in its system, structure, production and operation mode, and enterprise form. Due to the gradual adoption of high-volume customization of products, profit margins of products are more and more squeezed, and the added value of services in the manufacturing process is still increasing in proportion to form a new industry in which manufacturing and services are integrated Morphology - service-oriented manufacturing. Service-to-manufacturing provides customers with more than just products, but also products or total solutions that depend on the product, as well as services that surround the production of the product. Such service activities collectively referred to as the modern manufacturing services. Wu Jinglian, a famous economist in China, focused on the concept of service-oriented manufacturing with the “smile curve” put forward by Shi Zhenrong, a Taiwanese businessman. In the late 1980s, when Taiwan’s currency was released, the processing and manufacturing industry in Taiwan in Taiwan hit a crisis. Shi Zhenrong, chairman of Acer Computer, put forward that the manufacturing industry chain should be extended to the front and back
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