Industrial Statistics and Analysis of CRIA in the First Three Quarters

来源 :中国橡胶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fangfang_936
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In the first three quarters of 2013,the operation of Chinese rubber industry was steady on the whole.The gross industrial output value at current price and the sales revenue indicator continued to keep increasing a little.The export realized positive growth and the benefit situation kept favorable tendency.General Condition According to the statistics on 431 key member enterprises under 11 branches respectively engaged in tires,cycle tires,rubber hoses&rubber belts,rubber products,rubber shoes,latexes,carbon In the first three quarters of 2013, the operation of Chinese rubber industry was steady on the whole. Gross output output value at current price and the sales revenue indicator continued to keep increasing a little. The export realized positive growth and the benefit situation kept. favorable tendency. General Condition According to the statistics on 431 key member enterprises under 11 threads respectively engaged in tires, cycle tires, rubber hoses & rubber belts, rubber products, rubber shoes, latexes, carbon
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