
来源 :现代康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adzqx2009
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Morphine is classical analgesic with strong effect. Nowadays, controlled- release morphine tablets(MS Contin) are the most advanced among all morphine forms, which has been widely used clinically. Thirty advanced cancerous patients with severe pain were treated with MS Contin from March 1995 to December 1997. The following is the report of clinical observation. rn1 Subjects and methods rn1.1 Subjects Thirty patients of advanced stage (M,18, F,12 ;age:52± 13years) except primary hepatocarcinomas had pathological or cellular proof . There were 7 cases with hepatocarcinoma, 6 cases with lung cancer, 4 cases with breast cancer , 3 cases with gastric carcinoma, 2 cases with mutiple myeloma, 2 cases with colon cancer and 1 case with pancreatic carcinoma. These patients did not take adrenocortical hormones, sedative, soporific, antidepressants, antihistamines and were not treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy . rn1.2 Methods The grades of pain use VRS. 0 grade: Patients feel no pain.1st grade: Patients feel light pain and can live normally. Their sleep is not disturbed. 2nd grade: Patients feel obvious pain and cannot bear and require taking analgesic. Their sleep is disturbed. 3rd grade: Patients feel severe pain and cannot bear and need to take analgesic. Their sleep is seriously disturbed. rnAll cases were treated with MS Contin tablets(30mg,q12h,po).If there were no obvious effect, doses of 30 mg were added every time. The maximum dose per time was 120 mg .When the doses could make them achieve obvious effect, the patients were treated for over 3 days. All tablets were swallowed and were not chewed. rn
1 对象与方法 rn本组 22例病人全部为屈指肌腱损伤 , 其中男 15例 , 女 7例 , 年龄 13~ 56岁 , 拇指 3例 , 食指 7例 , 中指 6例 , 环指 3例 , 小指 3例 , 新鲜损伤期修复 10
1994年以来 , 经采用推拿疗法为主结合颈部运动疗法治疗颈椎病 , 并与单纯牵引疗法治疗该病进行对比 , 效果理想 , 现报道如下 . rn1 对象与方法 rn172例患者中男 117例 , 女
1 对象与方法 rn本组 144例 , 男 94例 , 女 50例 . 年龄 13~ 72岁 , 平均 35岁 . 车祸伤 104例 , 砸伤 29例 , 挤压伤 11例 . 骨折部位在股骨中段 38例 , 股骨下段 26例 , 髌
髌骨骨折后行钢针张力带固定术 , 骨折部位固定可靠 , 能够早期功能锻炼 , 便于膝关节及股四头肌功能恢复 . 在康复护理中 , 通过督促病人主动锻炼 , 协助其被动功能锻炼、按
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