
来源 :益阳职业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beijingmonkey
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民族民间文艺历史悠久,资源丰富,流传很广。它是各族人民长期劳动和集体智慧的结晶,研究、整理、挖掘民族民间文艺资料,探讨它的审美人类学意蕴,对繁荣社会主义文艺具有重要价值。以侗族民间审美文化为例,初步探究民间文艺审美人类学特性,即它的思想内容的先进性、民族性和独具特色的民族文艺形式的有机结合,对民族民间文化等非物质文化遗产的开发和保护具有启迪意义。 National folk art has a long history, rich resources, widely circulated. It is the crystallization of long-term labor and collective wisdom of people of all ethnic groups. It is of great value to research, collate and excavate the national folk literature and materials and explore its aesthetic anthropological implications for the prosperity of socialist literature and art. Taking the Dong national aesthetic culture as an example, this paper tentatively explores the aesthetic and anthropological characteristics of folk literature and art, that is, the advanced nature of its ideological content, its nationality and the unique combination of national literature and art forms. It also analyzes the non-material cultural heritage Development and protection are instructive.
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