
来源 :语言与文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:muniao090908
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“无纸化贸易”主要是通过电子邮件进行商务沟通。电子邮件的副语言特征变得越来越明显,整体结构也涌现出更多的多媒体特征。本文以语用学中的“礼貌原则”和“合作原则”为支撑,从文体学的词汇、句式、语气和篇章结构等方面,尤其是从商务电子邮件的副语言特征及多媒体性的角度,对某外企2014年航空展会客户往来英文电子邮件进行分析,具体探讨新文体特征下商务电子邮件写作的特点,并提出商务电子邮件写作应遵循礼貌原则、合作原则中“质”“量”原则,多使用简易词汇,避免使用缩略语;尽量使用被动句;充分利用虚拟语和委婉语;在谋篇构局方面注意运用副语言特征和多媒体性以提升商务英语电子邮件写作的专业度和国际商务沟通的有效性。 “Paperless trade ” mainly through e-mail business communication. The paralinguistic features of e-mail become more and more obvious, and the overall structure also emerges more multimedia features. This article is based on the principles of politeness principle and cooperation principle in pragmatics. From the aspects of stylistics such as vocabulary, sentence pattern, tone and discourse structure, especially the secondary language characteristics of business e-mail and From the perspective of multi-media, this paper analyzes the English e-mail of a foreign company in 2014 air show, discusses the characteristics of business e-mail writing under the new stylistic features, and proposes that business e-mail writing should follow the principle of politeness and the principle of cooperation “” Quantity "principle, the use of more simple vocabulary, to avoid the use of abbreviations; try to use passive sentences; make full use of virtual language and euphemism; The professionalism of e-mail writing and the effectiveness of international business communications.
Language is the carrier and the main expressive form of culture. Different nations have different culture,history,local conditions and customs. The culture and
检徽 在湄洲湾畔闪烁──记莆田进出口商品检验局刘荣清,黄永木沐浴着改革开放的春风,座落于闽东南黄金海岸中部的莆田市发生了日新月异的变化,外向型经济蓬勃发展。1993年3月,中华人
患男 ,5 7岁。以胃大部切除术后 3月余 ,四肢片状瘀斑 5 0 d之主诉入院。 5月前无明显诱因出现食欲下降、腹胀、乏力、无恶心、呕吐及黑便 ,在当地医院做胃镜示 :胃窦部溃疡
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研究了Cu/Sn/Ni-P线性焊点在150和200℃,电流密度1.0×10~4 A/cm~2的条件下化学镀Ni-P层消耗及其对焊点失效机理的影响.结果表明,在Ni-P层完全消耗之前,阴极界面的变化表现为