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为了了解门诊患者的心理需要,改善医患关系,改进临床工作和提高临床教学质量,我们对在山东医学院附属医院门诊就诊的240名患者进行了患者需要的心理学调查。一、调查方法调查采用不署名直接问卷和个别交谈相结合的方法。开始,我们采用向病人解释调查目的后,随机发卷,病人自愿回交的直接问卷法,回收率不足2%。回收率太低的原因:①门诊患者70%来自农村,文化水平较低,不理解调查的目的和要求;②思想上有顾虑,误认为答得不好对自己不利;③有些患者是初次来诊,对医院的情况不甚了解。 In order to understand the psychological needs of outpatients, improve the relationship between doctors and patients, improve clinical work and improve the quality of clinical teaching, we conducted a psychological survey of the patient’s needs in the 240 patients admitted to the outpatient department of the Affiliated Hospital of Shandong Medical College. I. Investigation Method Surveys use a combination of unsigned direct questionnaires and individual conversations. At the beginning, we used a direct questionnaire method that explained the purpose of the investigation to the patient, random hair curling, and voluntary return of the patient. The recovery rate was less than 2%. The reasons for the low recycling rate are as follows: 1 70% of outpatients come from rural areas and have a low level of education. They do not understand the purpose and requirements of the survey. 2 They have concerns about their ideas, and they mistakenly believe that their answers are not good for themselves. 3 Some patients are coming for the first time. The doctor did not know much about the hospital.
花蕊石为具有止血作用的矿物药之一。始载于《嘉祐本草》原名花乳石,因黄石中间有白色点得名。 从历代记载和现有资料表明,花蕊石炮制与其止血作用有着密切关系。古代炮制记
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医院管理当局主要通过以下两个途径来了解技术革新的状况: ——由医院管理当局收集并归纳技术革新产品。使用这种方法时,医院管理当局通过规划途径和管理途径组织收集归纳工