
来源 :国际地震动态 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snowmansoft
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日本京都大学防灾研究所从1996年开始成为日本全国各大学共同从事研究的研究所。1997年1月24~25日的研讨会就是作为共同研究事业的一环而召开的。此次研讨会旨在抓住震源和地基造成的强地面运动生成问题,研讨是否搞清了兵库县南部地震时,阪神、淡路之间形成的烈度7的强烈地震动灾害区,即“震灾带”的形成原因。针对这一问题,汇集地震学、地震工程学各领 Japan Kyoto University Institute of Disaster Prevention since 1996 became Japan’s national colleges and universities engaged in research institutes. The seminar, January 24-25, 1997, was held as part of a joint research project. The symposium aimed to seize the strong ground motion caused by the earthquake source and the foundation and to discuss whether a strong earthquake-stricken area of ​​intensity 7 formed between Hanshin and Awaji Earthquake occurred during the southern earthquake in Hyogo Prefecture, namely “ Earthquake disaster zone ”formation reason. In response to this problem, the collection of seismology, seismic engineering in various fields
Xianghualing ore field is located in Lingwu County, Hunan Province. It lies on the in-tersection of poly-set structures and belongs to nonferrous rare-polymetal
形容某人功劳不小,常见有人用“居功至伟”。例如: 在中国体育的腾飞中,巾帼英雄们居功至伟。(《人民日报》海外版,2000年12月18日) “居功”是自以为有功,含贬义,所以常用
The properties of anti-seismic HRB400 steel bars with 25 mm diameter were systematically investigated. The results showed that the properties of the HRB400 rein