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一、教学目的的确定 (一)教学目的 1、理解作者通过作品所表达的“最有意义的”生活理想——平等、团结,脚踏实地,造福社会。 2、学习本文借波澜起伏的故事和内容充分的对话来揭示主题的写作方法。 3、体会童话写作借助想象、幻想和夸张来反映生活的特点及拟人化的描写方式。 4、学习本文形象、生动、朴实、准确的语言特色。 (二)设想依据 1、关于中心思想:本文写于一九二九年,联系当时的政治背景和作者思想,这篇童话与其说是写给儿童们看的,莫若说更大程度上是写给成人们看的。因此,文章寓意很深,哲理性很强,现在的初一学生可能较难理解,故中心思想的概括应视为教学中的难点。解决这个难点的钥匙是作者1956年在《〈稻草人〉和其他童话》中的“后记”里说的一句话:“我当时认为主要的意思放在这篇东西的末了啦”。要引导学生在读完全篇后全面地理解中心思想,而不要急于就“骄傲”“空虚”等问题做结论。至于作品的主题与当时政治背景及作者思想的关系,深究下去当然大有文章可做(如与大革命失败后革命营垒分化的联系及作者民主主义思想的局限性等等),但除了个别同学主动问到外,一般无需涉及,把主题归到作者所追求与赞扬的“生活理想”上即可。 First, determine the purpose of teaching (a) the purpose of teaching 1, understand the author expressed through the work of the “most meaningful” life ideal - equality, unity, down-to-earth, and benefit the society. 2. Learn to use the full story of dialogue and storytelling to reveal the topic’s writing method. 3, experience fairy tale writing with imagination, fantasy and exaggeration to reflect the characteristics of life and anthropomorphic description. 4, learning the image of this article, vivid, simple, accurate language features. (II) Conceived basis 1. Regarding the central idea: This essay was written in 1929. In connection with the political background and the author’s thinking at that time, this fairy tale was not written for children, but Moruo said that it was written to a greater degree. Seen to adults. Therefore, the article has a deep meaning and a strong philosophical attitude. Today’s students may be difficult to understand. Therefore, the generalization of the central idea should be regarded as a difficult point in teaching. The key to solving this difficulty is the author’s “Postscript” in The Scarecrow and Other Fairy Tales in 1956: “I thought the main meaning was at the end of this thing”. It is necessary to guide students to fully understand the central idea after reading the complete articles, instead of rushing to conclude on issues such as “proud” and “emptiness.” As for the relationship between the theme of the work and the political background and the author’s thinking at that time, there are of course great articles to be read (such as the connection with the differentiation of the revolutionary camp after the failure of the Great Revolution and the limitations of the author’s democratic thoughts, etc.), but apart from individual students’ initiative When asked, generally it is not necessary to involve them, and the theme should be attributed to the “ideal of life” that the writer sought and praised.
(一)拿破仑7岁时,哥哥考了他一道很简单的数学题,他却瞠目结舌。哥哥冷冷地说:“弟弟,你只是比我勇敢!”拿破仑受不了这句话所包含的轻蔑和哥哥嘲笑 (A) Napoleon 7 years o
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