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用蟾蜍卵巢及鸡、家兔和狗的卵巢和睾丸的水提取物作在体和少数离体蛙心实验,观察到,这些性腺提取物对在体和离体蛙心搏动都明显增强。它们引起心搏增强的过程中,心搏幅度描记曲线变化的波形基本一致;心搏增强程度亦近似。其强心作用不因冰冻或煮沸而改变。这些事实提示,从两栖类的蟾蜍、鸟类的鸡,到哺乳类的家兔和狗的性腺中都含有作用类似的、能溶于水的、耐高热、耐低温的强心物质。用狗卵巢提取物作兔离体小肠实验,见小肠平滑肌活动明显增强。性腺中的强心物质易溶于水、耐热的化学性质与EDF(Endogenousdigitalis-Like factor。内源性洋地黄样物质)相同;其强心与加强平滑肌活动的生理作用亦与EDF相似。它是否即EDF,我们正在继续研究中。 Using ovaries of ovaries and ovary and testes of chickens, rabbits, and dogs as in vivo and in a few isolated frog heart experiments, it was observed that these gonad extracts significantly increased both in vivo and in vitro frog beats. In the course of the enhancement of the heartbeat, the waveform of the change of heart rate trace is basically the same; the degree of heartbeat enhancement is similar. Its cardiac function does not change due to freezing or boiling. These facts suggest that the gonads of amphibians, birds, chickens, mammals, and dogs all contain potent, heart-soluble substances that are water-soluble, high-heat-resistant, and low-temperature-resistant. Using a dog ovary extract as a rabbit isolated small intestine experiment, see the activity of small intestine smooth muscle increased significantly. The cardiac substance in the gonad is easily soluble in water, and the chemical resistance to heat is the same as that of endogenous digitalis-like factor (EDF); the cardiac function of the cardiac muscle and the enhancement of smooth muscle activity is similar to that of EDF. Whether it is EDF or not, we are continuing our research.
中国膜工业协会行业标准学习研讨会于 2 0 0 0年 6月 2 0~ 2 4日在天津蓟县召开 .来自 2 0多家单位的30余名代表参加了会议 .国家海洋标准计量中心郑士俊主任作了“标准化工作
[病例182] 患者31岁,女,初诊于1978年6月15日。病历:主诉为10年前起有时双眼,有时单眼的深部疼痛。疼痛影响到眼睛周围时,常引起呕吐,整个头部痛,肩、颈部酸痛。医生起的病
将25例具有衰老见证的老年人(≥60岁),随机分为清宫寿桃丸治疗组(12例)和维生素 E 对照组(13例),用中子活化分析法测定服药前后发中 Zn、Cu、Na、Br 四元素的浓度。发现两组
[病例416] 患者7岁,初诊于1970年6月18日。病历:患者消瘦,脸色苍白,腹部软弱。主诉从3年前起鼻塞,张咀睡觉。尽管是女孩子但鼾声很大。常患扁桃腺肿,易疲倦、盗汗。治疗:为
Oxidized low -density lipoproteins (oxLDL) have been show n to play a crucialrole in atherosclerosis, butthe underlyingm olecularm echanism s have notbeen fully understood. The presentstudy show ed thatoxLDLstrongly evoked phosphoryla-tion and activation
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