中共福建省委 福建省人民政府关于表彰全省防治非典工作先进集体和先进个人的决定

来源 :福建省人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bujifangzong
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各市、县(区)委和人民政府,省直各单位:今年2月以来,我国一些地区发生非典疫情,严重威胁人民群众身体健康和生命安全,我省也相继发生3例输入病例。面对这场突如其来的疫情灾害,全省人民在党中央、国务院正确决策和省委、省政府领导下,坚持一手抓防治非典这件大事不放松,一手抓经济建设这个中心不动摇,经过全省上下的艰苦努力,取得了抗击非典和经济建设“双胜利”。在抗击非典的斗争中,全省各行各业、各条战线与医疗卫生系统的专家和广大医务人员不断弘扬“大局、尽职、科学、协作、奉献”抗击非典的精神,铸成了一道抗击非典的钢铁长城,实现了“无二代感染、无医务人员 Since February this year, the SARS epidemic in some areas of our country has occurred, seriously threatening the health and safety of the people, and three cases of imported cases have also occurred in our province. In the face of this sudden epidemic disaster, the people of the province, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, correct decisions and the provincial party committee and government, have always adhered to the principle of preventing and treating atypical pneumonia and will not waver in this important event. Provincial hard work and achieved resistance against SARS and economic construction ”double victory “. In the fight against SARS, all walks of life in the province, experts from all walks of life and the medical and health system, and the vast majority of medical staff have forged ahead with the spirit of ”overall situation, due diligence, science, cooperation and dedication“ to fight SARS and formed a The steel wall against SARS has achieved ”no second-generation infection and no medical staff."
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