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深圳华辉铝材公司是深圳经济特区发展公司、中国有色金属总公司西南铝材加工厂与香港英辉工程企业有限公司合资经营的企业。主要业务是铝材加工和铝门窗装修。公司开业三年来,全体职工坚持艰苦奋斗、勤俭办企业的方针,在无贷款的情况下,以有限的投资形成和发展了企业生产实力,使投资增值翻两番。企业承包工程也由特区拓展到内地,使企业在激烈的竞争中得到发展壮大。初建时期,华辉公司在罗湖大厦底层租赁了128平方米的楼面作为门市部和办公室用。一些干部、职工要求公司拨专款把办公室、门市部装修得豪华高级一点,以显示合资企业的气派。港方也在没有征求我方意见的情况下,从香港进口了一套价值7万多港元的沙发、地毯、写字台等办公用品,并作为港方投资。公司领导一方面充分肯定职工要求的主观愿望是希望企业兴旺发达,另一方面又实事求是地分析公司 Shenzhen Huahui Aluminum Materials Co., Ltd. is a joint venture between Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Development Corporation, China Nonferrous Metals Corporation Southwest Aluminium Processing Plant and Hong Kong Yinghui Engineering Enterprise Co., Ltd. The main business is aluminum processing and aluminum doors and windows decoration. In the three years since the company was opened, all employees have adhered to the principle of working hard and diligently to run the company. With no loans, the company has formed and developed its production strength with limited investment, which has quadrupled its value-added investment. The enterprise contracting project has also been extended from the SAR to the mainland, enabling the company to develop and expand in the fierce competition. During the initial construction period, Huahui Company leased a floor area of ​​128 square meters on the ground floor of Luohu Building as a storeroom and office. Some cadres and employees asked the company to allocate special funds to decorate the office and salesroom to be more luxurious and advanced, so as to show the style of the joint venture. The Hong Kong side has also imported a set of office supplies worth more than HKD 70,000 worth of sofas, carpets, desks, etc. from Hong Kong, and has also invested as Hong Kong companies. On the one hand, the company’s leaders fully affirmed that the subjective desire of the employees’ demands is to make the enterprise prosperous and well-developed, and on the other hand, to analyze the company in a practical and realistic manner.
我同桌在写作文《幸福的童年》时,把“我经常骑在牛背上唱歌”错写成“牛经常骑在我背上唱歌”老师看后点评道:“那头牛的童年比你更幸福!”哈哈! When I was at my desk wi
楚人爱离骚。李白说,离骚是悬在日月上的。也就是说,那是生了辉的轻艳柔糜辞赋。那种皎洁、舒缓,流淌在内心,令人情思馥郁。稍有文化记忆的人都知道,屈原在荆楚文化里是一 C