A novel catalyst of silicon cerium complex oxides for selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH_3

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:goodyyl00
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A series of CeO2/SiO2 and SixCe1-xO2 complex oxides supported on an activated Al2TiO5-TiO2-SiO2 complex phase (ATS) ceramics were prepared by step impregnation and co-impregnation methods, and characterized by N2-BET, XRD, SEM and NH3-TPD techniques. The effects of reaction temperature, CeO2/SiO2 loadings and Si/Ce molar ratio on the granular catalysts for NO selective catalytic reduction with ammonia (NH3-SCR) were studied. Results indicated that both CeO2/SiO2/ATS and CeO2/ATS catalysts showed the same active temperature window of 250-300 oC, mainly depending on the chemical composition of ceria. Moreover, the SixCe1-xO2/ATS catalysts exhibited higher activity and stability than those of CeO2/SiO2/ATS, and the Si0.75Ce0.25O2 represented the highest activity of 88.70% at 300 oC and the broadest active temperature window of 250-400 oC. Furthermore, the NH3-SCR of NO over the SixCe1-xO2 complex oxide catalysts was a result from synergetic catalysis between the acid catalysis and the redox catalysis. A series of CeO2 / SiO2 and SixCe1-xO2 complex oxides supported on an activated Al2TiO5-TiO2-SiO2 complex phase (ATS) ceramics were prepared by step impregnation and co-impregnation methods, and characterized by N2-BET, XRD, SEM and NH3 -TPD techniques. The effects of reaction temperature, CeO2 / SiO2 loadings and Si / Ce molar ratio on the granular catalysts for NO selective catalytic reduction with ammonia (NH3-SCR) were studied. Results indicated both of CeO2 / SiO2 / ATS and CeO2 / ATS catalysts showed the same active temperature window of 250-300 oC, mainly depending on the chemical composition of ceria. Moreover, the SixCe1-xO2 / ATS catalysts exhibited higher activity and stability than those of CeO2 / SiO2 / ATS, and the Si0 .75Ce0.25O2 represented the highest activity of 88.70% at 300 oC and the broadest active temperature window of 250-400 oC. Furthermore, the NH3-SCR of NO over the SixCe1-xO2 complex oxide inhibitors was a result from synergetic catalysis between the acid catalysis and the red ox catalysis.
陈独秀是五四时期新文化运动的主要领导人,也是中国共产党主要创始人之一,被毛泽东誉为“五四运动的总司令”。作为广东地区青年运动的先驱和农民运动领导人的阮啸仙,与陈独秀也有过多次特殊交往。    邀请陈独秀到“甲工”演说,阮啸仙将其演说记录稿整理发表    1921年1月27日下午,坐落在广州增步的广东省立第一甲种工业学校的小礼堂里,座无虚席,热闹非凡。学校机械、织染、应用化学、美术4科全体同学及部分
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唐国安字介臣,广东香山县唐家鸡山人。1912年4月至1913年8月出任清华学校(清华大学前身)第一任校长(1912年5月以前称监督)。在唐国安在任清华学校期间,殚精竭虑, Tang Guoan