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2014年8月,上海市科学技术情报学会等6家单位荣获上海市科协科技评价资质。情报学会承担的科技评价职能,主要是面向企业技术创新以及政府有关部门管理、决策的需求,提供“高新科技(综合)专业领域”的第三方科技评价,在同类资质机构中,以高新科技和战略新兴前沿的特点。一直以来,上海市科学技术情报学会扎扎实实用情报服务政企决策、用情报推动研发创新,多年实践形成了较为全面的科技与情报融合评价的能力。市科协颁发科技评价资质,不仅是对情 In August 2014, six units, including Shanghai Science and Technology Intelligence Institute, won the title of Shanghai Science and Technology Association for Science and Technology Evaluation. The function of science and technology evaluation undertaken by the Institute of Intelligence is mainly for the third-party scientific and technological evaluation of “high-tech (integrated) fields of expertise” for the technological innovation of enterprises and the management and decision-making of relevant government departments. Among the qualified institutions of the same kind, Features of Emerging Technologies and Strategies. All along, the Shanghai Science and Technology Information Society solid and practical intelligence services government and enterprise decision-making, with intelligence to promote research and innovation, many years of practice formed a more comprehensive assessment of technology and intelligence capabilities. City Association for Science and Technology awarded the evaluation of qualifications, not only love
本文就我国医院图书馆服务社区发展现状进行了论述,并就信息资源库建设、拓展服务功能、完善服务模式等方面提出了建设性的建议。 This article discusses the status quo o
维吾尔语亲属称谓词浕p浕在维吾尔语方言、土语和突厥语族语言中有不同称谓现象 ,结合有关民俗文化可见其来源和演变情况 Uyghur kinship appellation 浕 p 浕 has different
Methods One hundred and twenty-eight patients with essential hypertension and 71 patients with primary aldosteronism were included in this study.The efficacy of
该年会定于 2 0 0 2年 8月召开。具体时间和地点待定。届时将邀请我国著名天线及 ECM测量专家到会指导。欢迎投稿。2 0 0 2年 1月 31前将论文摘要寄会议筹备组。会议录用论文