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多头小直径深层搅拌桩是近几年发展起来的一种堤防截渗新技术,它适用于粘土、壤土、粉砂土及粒径不大于5cm的砂砾土等各种复杂土层,具有截渗效果好、施工进度快、投资省优点,因此其推广速度很快。但是在快速的推广应用过程中,有不少施工单位因初次接触这种工艺,施工时很容易发生钻头碰撞、钻杆扭断等事故,处理起来费用很高,而且也影响施工进度,因此应采取预防措施。 Deep-mixing pile with small diameter and small diameter is a new embankment seepage control technology developed in recent years. It is suitable for various complicated soil layers such as clay, loam, silt sand and gravel soil with a grain size of not more than 5cm, Good effect, construction speed, investment advantages, so the promotion of fast. However, in the process of rapid popularization and application, many construction units, due to their initial contact with this process, are prone to accidents such as bit collisions and twisting of drill pipes during construction, which are expensive to process and affect the construction progress. Therefore, Take precautionary measures.
A Tang Dynasty poem depicts the ancient western frontier in a most impressive way: the lonely beacon smoke went up straight into the sky as the setting sun loo
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在莽莽苍苍的崇山峻岭之间,在一碧万顷的蓝天白云之下,有一道世界上最大的墙——长 城。千百年来它巍然屹立,见证着中华民族的历史,象征着中华民族的精神。长久以来,它甚 至
Nobody knows how long thisvast stretch of reed marshes atLiaodong Bay by the BohaiSea has existed in the world. But I knowthe red-crowned cranes inhabiting the