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国债作为一种收益较高、风险较小的投资品种,近年来,正受到越来越多投资者的青睐。诚然,收益稳定、免征个人收入所得税等优点的确使国债平添了几分魅力。然而,国债并非唯一的投资品种,购买国债也并非只赚不赔,如果操作不慎,不仅不能获利,而且可能带来一定经济损失。为此,在购买国债时一定要慎重比较,三思而后行,方能趋利避害,获得较大收益。下面是投资者应注意的三个“不宜”事项:一、不宜盲目求购。进行国债投资,首先应对国债的基本常识有一个初步了解。如正在销售的2000年第二期凭证式国债,其特征为记名式国债,不能更名,不能流通转让;期限为2年期、3年期、5年期三种;个人购买该期国债实行实名制,可以提前兑取。从这些特征看,国债并非适合所有的投资群体,投资者应当根据自身的经济状况和投资需求,来决定参与与否以及参与程度。如果投资者渴望得到更高的收益,而且同时又愿意承担一定的风险,就应选取股票、外汇 As a kind of investment with higher yield and less risk, national debt has been favored by more and more investors in recent years. Admittedly, the advantages of stable incomes and exemption from personal income tax do add to the attractiveness of government bonds. However, the national debt is not the only investment product. Buying government bonds is not just not profitable. If the operation is not done in an earnest manner, it can not only generate profits but also bring about some economic losses. To this end, we must be cautious in the purchase of government bonds, think twice before we can benefit and avoid disadvantages and obtain greater benefits. The following are three investors should pay attention to “not ” Matters: First, not blindly buy. To invest in government bonds, we should first understand the basic common sense of national debt. Such as the sale of the second issue of the 2000 certificate of national debt, which is characterized by the nominal type of government bonds, can not be renamed, can not be circulated transfer; duration of 2 years, 3 years, 5 years of three kinds of individual purchase of the national debt to implement the real name system , You can advance payment. From these characteristics, the national debt is not suitable for all investment groups, investors should decide according to their economic conditions and investment needs, to participate or not and participation. If investors are eager to get higher returns, but also willing to take a certain risk at the same time, it should choose the stock, foreign exchange