22小时紧急营救 10名矿工安全脱险——常德市鼎城区祥荣金矿冒顶事故抢险记

来源 :湖南安全与防灾 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ashwingangel
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8月30日19时30分,常德市鼎城区沧山乡祥荣金矿主斜井海拔负20-40米之间(主斜井下去280米左右)发生顶板局部冒顶事故,长度4米,废石堵塞斜井约8米左右。事故发生时,井下共有10名矿工作业,因主斜井冒顶事故出井通道堵塞,10名矿工被困井下。常德市委书记武吉海、省安监局副局长彭伏 At 19:30 on August 30, Changde City, Cangshan Township, Dingxiang Cangxiang Gold Mine inclined shaft negative 20-40 meters above sea level (the main inclined shaft down 280 meters) occurred roof local roof accident, the length of 4 meters, Waste rock blocked inclined shaft about 8 meters. At the time of the accident, a total of 10 miners worked underground, and the miners were trapped underground due to the blockage of the well exit from the main inclined roof fall accident. Changde Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wu Jihai, Deputy Secretary for Security Bureau Peng Fu
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