人与境共 皆由心生——李桐人物画小议

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李桐是浙江水墨人物画坛上的佼佼者。他的作品总是那么异样而别致,让人有点捉摸不透。 李桐儿时住在西湖中的孤山南坡,后又迁至北山的栖霞岭。长大后又在浙江美院学习。于是,杭州的一湖一山、一草一木、一景一物,都与李桐有着千丝万缕的、割不断、理还乱的因缘关系,只要稍稍一碰触——甚至是一个没来头的巾头,记忆的闸门就会豁然而开,思绪犹如湖水一般,汩汩地往外流淌……《苏 Li Tong is a leader in Zhejiang ink painting figures. His work is always so strange and chic, people a little unpredictable. Li Tong childhood lived in the West Lake in Gushan southern slope, and later moved to Beishan Qixia Ling. After growing up in Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts. Thus, a lake in Hangzhou, plants and trees, a scene of a thing, and Li Tong inextricably linked, cut continuous, unreasonable relationship, as long as a touch - even a No head of the towel, the memory of the gate will be suddenly and open, thoughts like a lake, shyly outflow ... ... "Soviet
张小虎艺术简历 1955年生手河北邢台,1974参军,1991被授予中校军衔,1996任职于广州美术馆并赖少其艺术馆馆长。1988举办张小虎速写展、1989举办张小虎中国画展、1993举办张
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当代水墨(包括彩墨)人物画坛,正处在一个重要的复兴期。一批敢于直面现实、直面当代的人物画家正在崛起。在这中间,叶文夫可以说是极具潜力的人物之一。 一年前,我去杭州,在
点 线太极图是最为典型的中国图式。它黑白对立而浑然一体。一黑一白两条似鱼非鱼之形互相依存 ,作为阴阳两鱼中介的是一条很美的“S”线。这个图形引发了我对于中国画中点