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2003年7月28日,是内地与香港之间人员往来一个划时代的转折点,这一天,广州、深圳、珠海率先启动“自由行”(也称“个人游”)业务,即游客凭借自己的旅游签证独自到香港自由地购物和游玩,而不必跟随旅行团。而后,内地推行个人游的区域范围逐步扩大,继京、沪两地加入之后,2004年5月1日开始,广东全省“自由行”全面放开;7月1日,个人游实施的范围进一步扩大至包括江苏、浙江、福建3省的共9个城市,随后还将分批扩展到其他省份和地区。以个人身份去香港,意味着游客有更充裕的时间在香港这个“美食和购物天堂”中充分享受“血拼”的乐趣。封闭了50多年的“闸门”一开启,入港的人流便汹涌而至。如今开放“自由行”届满周年,已有260万内地旅客以“自由行”身份访港,即平均每小时就有500名大陆游客进入香港。今年7月份,平均每天“自由行”来港的内地旅客就有12400人,创今年单月新高。 On July 28, 2003, it was an epoch-making turning point in the personnel exchanges between the Mainland and Hong Kong. On that day, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai pioneered the “Free Travel” (also known as “personal travel”) business, Travel to Hong Kong freely with your own travel visa without having to follow the tour. After that, the scope of the Mainland’s promotion of personal travel has gradually expanded. Following the accession of Beijing and Shanghai, the Guangdong province’s “free exercise” was fully liberalized on May 1, 2004; on July 1, the individual tour was implemented To 9 cities including Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian provinces, and then to other provinces and regions in batches. Going to Hong Kong in your personal capacity means that tourists will have more time to enjoy “shopping” in this “food and shopping paradise” in Hong Kong. Closed more than 50 years “gate ” opened, the flow of people into Hong Kong is surging. With the opening anniversary of “free exercise,” 2.6 million mainland tourists have already visited Hong Kong as “free exercise.” That is, on average, 500 mainland tourists enter Hong Kong every hour. In July this year, on average, there were 12,400 mainland tourists coming to Hong Kong on an “a free walk” per day, the highest level in a single month of this year.
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全年200元/套(含快递费),全年出版4本。云中漫步,共享有度合作服务联络刊号CN11-5374/F ISSN 1673-3169邮发代号2-666国外发行代号1626M办公地址:北京万寿路翠微中里16号院15
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新水电工程的私有化推动了制定加速的施工方案,以期在预定的时间完成这些工程。就185m高的巴拉格兰德坝来说,EPC领导人制定了在非常紧的工期内完成各项目标的施工策略。 The