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7月17日,中国戏剧家协会、中国戏剧出版社在京假人民大会堂贵州厅召开纪念中日邦交正常化20周年、中日两国戏剧家祝贺《千田是也传》和《现代中国戏剧考察录》中译本出版座谈会。中日两国之间的文化、戏剧交流源渊流长。近代以来,两国关系曾蒙上了阴影。但是,两国的有识之士依然不懈地为促进相互间的交往而努力。《千田是也传》的作者千田是也先生,就是那些致力于中日友好和文化、戏剧交流的日本有识之士的代表。年近九旬高龄的千田是也先生,是日本话剧的先驱和著名导演、国际著名的戏剧家、日中文化交流协会常务理事、中国戏剧家协会名誉会员,从50年代起,始终从事促进中日文化、戏剧交流的工作,对中日文化、戏剧交流,和增进中日两国人民之间友好做出很多贡 On July 17, the Chinese Dramatists Association and China Theater Press held a celebration in Beijing Hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan. The dramatists of China and Japan congratulated “Qian Tian Ye Ya Biography” and “Investigation of Modern Chinese Drama Recorded ”in the translation of the forum. The exchange of culture and drama between China and Japan has a long history. Since the modern times, the relations between the two countries have cast a shadow. However, the people of insight in both countries still tirelessly strive to promote mutual exchanges. Mr. Akita is also the author of “Thousands of Is Biography”, who are representatives of Japanese people who are dedicated to the friendship and exchange of culture and drama in China. Nearly ninety years of age, Mr. Akita is also a pioneer and famous director of Japanese drama, the world famous dramatist, executive director of Japan-China Cultural Exchange Association, honorary member of Chinese Dramatists Association, from the 50’s, always engaged in promoting Japanese culture and drama exchanges, and made a lot of tribute to the Sino-Japanese cultural and theater exchanges and to promoting the friendship between the peoples of China and Japan
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