Influence of Surfactant-polymer Complexes on Crystallization and Aggregation of CaCO_3

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fresco_xp
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Hollow calcium carbonate(CaCO3) microspheres with different morphologies were synthesized via the precipitation reaction of calcium chloride with sodium carbonate in the presence of different surfactant-polymer complexes.The selected anionic surfactants were sodium dodecyl sulfonate(SDS) and sodium dodecyl benzenesulfonate(SDBS),respectively.The selected water-soluble polymers were polyacrylic acid(PAA) and polyvinyl pyrrolidone(PVP).In this work,SDS-PVP “pearl-necklace model” micellar complex was formed via hydrophobic effectiveness between SDS and PVP and it served as the spherical template to generate spherical CaCO3 aggregates with hollow microspheres composed of about 500 nm irregular shaped particles.SDS-PAA complexes and SDBS-PAA complexes formed “core-shell model” aggregates with calcium ions serving as the medium to link the anionic surfactant and the polymer.SDS-PAA “core-shell model” aggregates would act as templates for hollow CaCO3 microspheres consisting of 30―50 nm irregular shaped crystallites.SDBS-PAA “core-shell model” aggregates served as the spherical aggregate templates to generate spherical CaCO3 aggregates consisted of many small spherical particles which had grown together.All the obtained CaCO3 hollow microspheres are calcite particles.This research may provide new insight into the control of morphologies of hollow CaCO3 microspheres in the presence of surfactantpolymer complexes. Hollow calcium carbonate (CaCO3) microspheres with different morphologies were synthesized via the precipitation reaction of calcium chloride with sodium carbonate in the presence of different surfactant-polymer complexes. The selected anionic surfactants were sodium dodecyl sulfonate (SDS) and sodium dodecyl benzenesulfonate (SDBS) , respectively.The selected water-soluble polymers were polyacrylic acid (PAA) and polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) .In this work, SDS-PVP “pearl-necklace model” micellar complex was formed via hydrophobic effectiveness between SDS and PVP and it served as the spherical template to generate spherical CaCO3 aggregates with hollow microspheres composed of about 500 nm irregular shaped particles. SDS-PAA complexes and SDBS-PAA complexes formed “core-shell model ” aggregates with calcium ions serving as the medium to link the anionic surfactant and the polymer. SDS-PAA “core-shell model” aggregates would act as templates for hollow CaCO3 microspheres consisting of 30-50 nm irregular shaped crystallites. SDBS-PAA “core-shell model ” aggregates served as the spherical aggregate templates to generate spherical CaCO3 aggregates consisted of many small spherical particles which had grown together. All the obtained CaCO3 hollow microspheres are calcite particles. research may provide new insight into the control of morphologies of hollow CaCO3 microspheres in the presence of surfactant polymer complexes.
糖尿病性周围神经病目前尚无理想的治疗方法。我们用 Svate—Ⅲ(抗栓酶3号,中国医科大学制药厂产)治疗14例糖尿病性周围神经病患者,结果总有效率为93%,且无任何毒副反应,值
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Uranyl (Ⅵ) amidoxime complexes are investigated using relativistic density functional theory. The equilibrium structures, bond orders, and Mulliken populations