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唐钢二钢轧厂开发成功预应力钢丝及钢绞线用钢新品种77B,共轧制8炉,总计392吨。经检验,盘条化学成分、尺寸、性能等各项指标全部符合用户合同要求。此品种钢的开发成功,填补了唐钢在线材高端产品的一项空白,扩大了唐钢硬线市场份额。77B是高碳钢品种系列,具有良好的高抗拉强度 Tanggang Iron and Steel rolling mill to develop two types of prestressed steel wire and steel strand 77B, a total of 8 furnaces, a total of 392 tons. After testing, wire rod chemical composition, size, performance and other indicators all meet the user contract requirements. The success of the development of this variety of steel to fill a high-end products in the wire Tangang a blank, expanding the market share of hard-line Tangshan Iron and Steel. 77B is a high-carbon steel variety series with good high tensile strength
一、故事内容It is Sunday.Mike and his father are going to the Worker’s Stadium.They are going to learn skating.There are many children there.They are skating.T
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
Every Mother’s Day millions of moms receive the customary(合乎习俗的)card,bou-quet(花束)of flowers,and if they are really lucky,chocolates.But this Mother’s D
人物:A-Animals B_1-Bear 1B_2-Bear 2 D-DeerF-Fox G-TigerH-Hare K-DuckM-Monkey N-NarratorR-Horse T-Tortoise道具:大树、小树、金牌、各种动物头饰、哨子 Characters:
最底层的员工往往是企业里的贫困阶层、弱势群体,是到了该考虑他们的和谐、幸福了 The bottom of the staff is often the poor in the enterprise, the disadvantaged grou