
来源 :常州工程职业技术学院高职研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangjuhui19
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目前,注塑模具数值模拟主要集中在产品的成型过程模拟,较少考虑模具在成型过程中的受力变形。研究注塑成型过程中模具变形对于减少模具重量、节约成本、提高产品性能具有重要意义。基于载荷映射的注塑模具结构分析方法,是将注塑成型数值模拟分析结果施加到模具型腔有限元模型表面作为力边界条件,从而能够更加真实的对注塑模具零件进行结构分析。其中,对于注塑模具的网格信息和模流结果信息的读取为首要关键步骤。本文就是在此基础上,提出了一种基于载荷映射的注塑模具信息的读取研究方法。 At present, the numerical simulation of injection mold mainly focuses on the simulation of the molding process of the product, and less considers the force deformation of the mold during the molding process. It is important to study mold deformation during injection molding to reduce the weight of mold, save cost and improve product performance. The structure analysis method of injection mold based on load mapping is to apply the result of numerical simulation of injection molding to the surface of the finite element model of the mold cavity as the force boundary condition so as to be able to carry out the structural analysis of the injection mold parts more truly. Among them, the injection mold for the grid information and the results of the flow of information to read as the most important key steps. Based on this, this paper presents a method for reading information of injection mold based on load mapping.
·AIM:To evaluate the risk factors associated with retinal neovascularization of diabetic retinopathy in northern Chinese Han patients with type 2 diabetes mell
Objective Findings from the previous studies have suggested a relationship between ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase /phosphodiesterase 1 (ENPP‐1) or plasma cell
本文针对当前高等职业技术教育的迅猛发展,从端正办学指导思想、切实抓好教学基本建设、强化管理三个方面阐述了高等职业技术教育可持续发展的基本思路。 In view of the ra
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App恶意扣费法律问题研究小组  摘 要 由于对App应用程序的规制不完善且App运营市场鱼龙混杂,App应用开发商在利益最大化的驱使之下开发某些恶意扣费的App应用,给用户造成了很大的困扰以及利益的损失。本文从App应用程序恶意扣费的现状切入,结合我国目前的相关立法,并借鉴国外的相关立法规定,对我国App应用程序开发者恶意扣费问题的规制提出建议。  关键词 App 应用 开发者 恶意扣费 法律规