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一部科幻小说中曾经有这样的故事:XX年后,人类开始移民月球。开拓者们携带着先进设备和必须的工具登陆月球,还带来了各种植物和牲畜甚至小小的蚂蚁。几年过去了,这个离地球38万公里之遥的“生物圈”内,植物繁殖效率低下,动物吃不饱,连带人类也开始饿肚子。最后查明的原因竟然是:当初忘记带蜜蜂了。 任何一个生物圈的复制,都不能缺失物种链条中的任何一环。今天,随着全球化经济的不可阻挡和WTO的走近中国,国际企业向中国的“移民”越来越规模化。而在这种数量上的增加之外,我们似乎更应该关注的是这种“移民”的系统性和关联性。就像美中贸易全国委员会的中国首席代表Powers先生所说的:“他们是在Clustering(群居生存),是在建立自己的生物圈。” 跨国企业一直遵循的是“全球化链条定律”:“follow your customers(追随客户)”和他们的“global key accounts(全球协议伙伴)”。不可避免地,他们要“一串一串”地梯队性进入中国市场。在商业价值链上互为客户,让跨国公司们形成了竖看一条线,横看一张网的类似于他们本土的商业环境。他们知道,如果每一个环节都有他们熟悉和适应的伙伴,将“如鱼得水”。 以前,由于政策原因,跨国公司不能同等权利地、更不能成体系地(比如金融保险等环节)进入中国,他们原本在海外 In a science fiction story there was such a story: XX years later, humans began to emigrate to the moon. Trailblazers landed on the moon with advanced equipment and the tools they needed, bringing in a variety of plants and animals and even tiny ants. A few years later, within a “biosphere” 380,000 kilometers away from the earth, plant propagation is inefficient, animals are not full, and human beings are hungry. The reason for the final identification is: had forgotten with a bee. No duplication of any biosphere can miss any part of the species chain. Today, with the globalization of economy and the WTO approaching China, the “immigration” of international enterprises to China is becoming more and more large-scale. In addition to this increase in numbers, we seem to be more concerned with the systematic and relevant nature of this “immigration.” As Powers, China chief representative of the China-US Trade Council, put it: “They are in Clustering and are building their own biosphere.” Multinationals have followed the “law of globalization”: “follow your customers ”and their“ global key accounts. ” Inevitably, they want to “form a string of strings” to echelon into the Chinese market. In the commercial value chain each other as a client, so that multinational corporations have formed a vertical line, looking across a network similar to their local business environment. They know that if every step of the way they have a familiar and adaptable partner, they will be “just like water.” Previously, due to policy reasons, multinational corporations could not enter China equally, but not systematically (such as financial and insurance sectors). They had originally been overseas
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