
来源 :初中生世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haixinkp
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一天,一个中国学生在美国一所大学的校园里散步。一个身材高大的美国白人学生向他走来,说到:“嗨,give me a five。”他这样说了好几遍。中国学生当时非常害怕,以为他是个强盗(在索要五美元)。他生气地告诉这个美国学生自己没有五美元。美国学生看了看中国学生,生气地离开了。 One day, a Chinese student walks on the campus of a U.S. university. A tall white American student came to him and said, “Hey, give me a five.” He said this several times. The Chinese student was very scared at the time and thought he was a robber (soon asking for $5). He angrily told this American student himself that he did not have five dollars. American students looked at Chinese students and left angrily.
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Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me, those have always been the two most beautiful words. 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装
A Walt Disney Corporation announced that it had gotten the go-ahead (放行信号)from Chinese central government to build a theme park in Shanghai.Disney has alrea
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1.引言BBS(Bulletin Board Service)在前几年,对很大一部分人来说是个新词语,现在已经普遍到网民茶余饭后聊天的地方了。各式各样的网站都有自己的特色论坛和大量的网民,在这
学校志愿者们是没有酬金的, 但有时候,我们会收到一些特殊的礼物。就在圣诞假期之前的一天早晨, 我正在出售我们小学最后一晚“胡桃夹子”演出的入场券。前一天晚上的入场券