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(一)太平天国避讳制度的产生与发展避讳在太平天国,既是重要的礼制,又是盛行的习俗。探讨这种礼俗,是太平天国文化史研究的一个不可忽视的课题。太平天国实行避讳制度,原本出于农民进行反清王朝斗争的需要。但是这种礼俗,植根于宗法式农民经济的土壤,浸透了封建宗法与三纲五常的毒素,表现了太平天国农民革命者思想意识的落后面,很快就成为建立新王朝的一种手段。太平天国明文规定避讳字样,始见于辛开元年(1851年)十月二十五日《永安封王诏》。“天父”才是真神,才是上,才是帝,才是爷,“天父天兄”才是圣。其余不得僭称;呼称天王洪秀全“为主则止”,不宣称上称圣,免致“冒犯天父天兄”;左辅、右弼、前导、后护各军师,也不得称为王爷,乃分别封为东、 (A) Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Taboo system and taboo In the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, is both an important etiquette, but also a popular custom. To explore this custom is a subject that can not be ignored in the study of the cultural history of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Taiping Heavenly Kingdom implement taboo system, originally out of peasants struggle against the Qing dynasty needs. However, this etiquette was rooted in the soil of the patriarchal peasant economy and permeated the toxins of the feudal patriarchal clan system and the “Three Principles and Five Immortals.” It showed the backwardness of the ideology of peasant revolutionaries in the Taiping Heaven and soon became a means of establishing a new dynasty. Taiping Heavenly Kingdom stipulates the taboo words, first seen in Xin Kai Kai-shek (October 1851) October 25, “Yongan seal Wang Chao.” “Heavenly Father” is the true God, is the last, is the emperor, is the Lord, “Father Heavenly Brother” is the holy. Call the King of Hong Xiuquan “the main stop only”, do not claim to be sanctified, to avoid “offended Heavenly Brother”; left auxiliary, right Bute, leading, after the protection of the military division, also can not be called the prince, Respectively, sealed for the East,
“9.13”事件已经过去近30个年头了。至今,一翻到共和国历史上这不光彩的一页,人们都不会忘记在1971年9月13 日,林彪乘坐三叉戟256号飞机仓皇出逃,两个小时之后坠毁在蒙古国的大草原上,机上9人无一
在我家的客厅正中央 ,悬挂着一幅用木框镶嵌着的山水画 ,它虽然年代已久 ,制作也再普通不过 ,可就是这幅极普通的山水画 ,却往往使我在它面前留连往返、思绪万千 ,经常把我带
子曰:“攻乎异端,斯害也已。”译:孔子说:“研究那些不合中庸标新立异的言论,祸害也就没有了。”有容乃大 Confucius said: “Translated by: Confucius said: ” Research
1945年7月抗日战争胜利前夕,在重庆发生了一起轰动山城的事件。蒋介石亲写手令,枪毙了军政部兵役署中将署长程泽润。 程泽润,字沛民,四川隆昌县龙水镇人。毕业于国民党陆军大学。1921年起,
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九、汪精卫的政权 1.戴笠的克把戏──“缪斌工作” 1944年(昭和19年)7月,小矶内阁作为对重庆的和平试探,开展了所谓“梁斌工作”。 我曾问过张季鸾(政学系领导人,对日问题顾问)道:“是蒋介石