
来源 :钼业经济技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:forcet
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1988年西方世界各国钼产品供不应求,生产者库存减少,产量增加。转卖商氧化钼价于1989年初达到3.9美元/磅的水平(合8600美元/t)。1989年初产量增加,到年末钼产品供过于求,氧化钼价下跌到2.5美元/磅(合5510美元/t)。有人认为,1990年钼市场尽管需求稳定增长,钼产品仍将过剩。1990年4季度氧化钼价上升到3.3美元/磅,这是由于生产者和转卖商担心1990年2月份智利丘基卡马塔的一场大火可能造成供应不足而扩大采购的结果。然而大火所造成的损失仅使世界钼原料的产量减少了230t,与世界总产量相比,损失量极少,担心是徒劳的。 In 1988, molybdenum products in various countries in the western world were in short supply, producer inventories decreased and output increased. Reseller molybdenum oxide prices in early 1989 reached 3.9 US dollars / lb ($ 8600 / t). In early 1989, the output increased. By the end of the year, the molybdenum output was oversupplied and the price of molybdenum oxide dropped to USD 2.5 / lb (USD 5,510 / t). Some people think that in 1990 molybdenum market despite the steady growth in demand, molybdenum products will be surplus. The molybdenum oxide price in the fourth quarter of 1990 rose to $ 3.3 per pound as a result of the concerns raised by producers and resellers about the expansion of procurement that could have caused a supply shortage in Chuchkammata, Chile, in February 1990. However, the damage caused by the fire only reduced the output of the world molybdenum raw material by 230 tons, which is in vain to the loss compared with the world total output.
(John Barth),一九三○年生于马里兰州的剑桥。自幼酷爱音乐,做过职业爵士乐队鼓手。一九六三年至一九七三年执教于纽约州立大学布法罗分校,结识了阿根廷作家博尔赫斯。后者
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2008年世界经济增长步伐呈现放缓迹象。同时,受人民币持续升值、从紧货币政策、劳动力和原材料成本上升等诸多因素的影响,丝绸出口前景 The pace of world economic growth
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今年4月15日,2013年普利策奖在哥伦比亚大学公布获奖名单。71岁高龄的女诗人莎朗·奥兹(Sharon Olds)凭借诗集《雄鹿的跳跃》(Stag’s Leap)摘得普利策诗歌奖。莎朗·奥兹194
湖北红安县永河镇罗冲村民李定福,在2月21日元霄节那天收到了安徽宿松一位药材老板发来的祝福短信。其中有一句话:“春收珍珠夏购花秋 Li Anfu, Yonghe Town, Hongan County