
来源 :青海医药杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:happer34
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目的:对疫情网络直报系统的运行效率和质量进行评估,为进一步完善传染病管理措施提供科学信息。方法:对全县乡级以上医疗单位2012年度登记报告的法定传染病进行调查,数据处理采用流行病学统计分析方法。结果:全县共调查法定传染病174例,漏报12例,漏报率为6.90%;乡镇卫生院传染病漏报率高于县级医院。漏报率较高的病种有流行性腮腺炎、感染性腹泻;门诊漏报高于住院部。结论:我县传染病疫情报告工作质量仍有待进一步加强,提高医疗机构医务人员法律意识及加强卫生行政监督职能,是传染病报告管理工作有序进行的有力保障。 Objective: To evaluate the operation efficiency and quality of the direct reporting system of epidemic situation and provide scientific information for further improving the management of infectious diseases. Methods: The investigation of statutory infectious diseases reported by the medical units above the county level in 2012 for the year of 2012 was conducted. The data were processed using epidemiological statistical analysis. Results: A total of 174 cases of legal infectious diseases were investigated in the county, 12 cases were underreported and the underreported rate was 6.90%. The omission rate of infectious diseases in township hospitals was higher than that of county hospitals. Misdiagnosis of the higher types of diseases are mumps, infectious diarrhea; outpatient omission higher than inpatient department. Conclusion: The quality of the epidemic report of infectious diseases in our county needs to be further strengthened. Improving the legal awareness of medical staff in medical institutions and strengthening the functions of health administrative supervision are strong guarantees for the orderly progress of infectious disease report management.
1 病史摘要患者 ,女性 ,2 7岁。因“停经 33+ 4 周 ,阴道流血 1h”入院。患者 1997年 4月 13日停经 ,18周后感胎动 ,2 0周时开始来院定期作产前检查 ,胎儿生长曲线一直在正
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